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HOW DO I GET MY CHILD INVOLVED?We welcome children ages 8 and 18 to join us for classes or audition for a show! CLASSES: We regularly offer classes for elementary/middle or middle/high school aged actors during our fall & spring semesters. Sign your child up for one of our classes as the school year starts or after the first of the year. Classes and sign-ups are posted on our website when registration opens. AUDITIONS: Come out an audition for any of our Junior or multi-generational shows. For our Jr. Musicals we offer two different styles of auditions to match your child's skill and comfort levels. The best way to find out when sign-ups begin for any classes or auditions is to make sure that you are following us on Facebook FACEBOOK: WEBSITE: EMAIL SIGN UP: at the bottom of any page on our website.
WHAT ARE AUDITIONS?Auditions are an opportunity for the show director (the person in charge of the show), the musical director (person responsible for teaching the music), and the choreographer (person who teaches the dance steps) along with other show staff, to see what each actor has to offer the show. Sometimes they are looking for a particular look, personality or ability for certain characters.
WHAT ARE OPEN AUDITIONS?We conduct an “Open Audition” call. This means anyone can come and audition for the show. We will hold two types of auditions—“Broadway Style” and “Group Auditions”—so you can pick the one that fits you best. See our FAQ’s below for descriptions and expectations for both.
HOW WILL I KNOW WHEN AUDITIONS ARE HELD?Make sure that you have joined our email list and follow us on facebook (
IS THERE AN AUDITION FEE?No there is no fee to audition, although you may need to find music for an audition song and borrow or purchase the music. If cast in a show there will be a show fee for each cast member..
HOW DO I PREPARE FOR AUDITION?1 Be familiar with the show 2 Audition form (printed out and filled out completely) 3 Attach your resume if you have one 5 Attach a head shot 4x6 portrait orientation (this doesn’t need to be professional head shot. It can be a school photo or parents photo. It will not be returned). 4 Copy of your sheet music (for Broadway Auditions only. this must be piano score not just vocal score).
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT THAT I BRING A HEAD SHOT?Even if we know you and have worked with you often, you need to bring a head shot. As part of our audition and casting process we use your head shot extensively. We put notes on them and look at them often. When we go to do our final casting we put all the head shots on the table and sort them into the available parts. If your photo isn't on the table there is a greater chance you could be forgotten altogether
WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GROUP and BROADWAY AUDITIONS?GROUP AUDITIONS do not require preparation but it is still good to be familiar with the show for which you are auditioning. Everyone shows up at the same time and will stay 2-3 hours as they are given acting exercises to do as a group and parts of songs to learn. Each actor will be assessed and scored by the directors. BROADWAY AUDITIONS is an audition style where each actor will select part of a song (2 minutes or less) to perform and a monologue (2 minutes or less) to act out for a panel of directors. These are individual auditions done one at a time with a reserved audition time slot.
WHAT STYLE OF AUDITION SHOULD I PREPARE FOR?Because the CFT Youth Theater program is about training children & youth how to be good actors we also want to teach them how to do a proper Broadway Style Musical audition. We also understand that many children may not be ready for that level of preparation so we will conduct a simpler Group Audition phase as well. Adult auditions are conducted in a similar manner but can be adjusted depending on the style of show we are producing.
HOW I DO TO PREPARE A BROADWAY STYLE AUDITION?#1 Research the show. Be familiar with the story line. Know the characters in the show and what that part demands such as singing or memorization of a lot of lines. #2 Pick a monologue. A MONOLOGUE is a dramatic conversation or presentation, spoken by a single character (from a play, musical, tv show, or movie), usually either to someone else or to the audience. You can select your own monologue or look through some of our suggestions. Pick one that you can connect with and become that character. #3 Pick a song. Remember that songs need to be2 minutes or less. If you select a long song then the directors may stop you after a couple of minutes. So if there is a great part at the end of the song you want them to hear you perform, consider starting further into the song. #4 Prepare and rehearse. Have your song and monologue memorized so that you can be free to act while performing those for the directors.
HOW DO I PREPARE FOR A GROUP AUDITION?Familiarize yourself on the show. Fill out the audition sheet. Attach your head shot. Show up a few minutes before the group audition to check in. Plan to stay until auditions are over. Whether we are conducting a multi-generational or youth production, we try to keep these auditions fun and fast paced. We will play theater games and do activities to get actors moving and having some fun. When casting a musical we will teach everyone part of some songs from the show and give groups and individuals a chance to sing some for a vocal assessment.
WHAT ARE CALLBACKS?Some actors are asked to come back for another round of auditions where they may given part of a dance to learn with the choreographer and perform for the directors as well as singing a particular song or doing lines from a particular scene that the director thinks you might be right for. PLEASE NOTE if you do not get a callback it does not mean you have not been chosen for a part.
WHERE DO I FIND A SONG OR MONOLOGUE?Other Broadway musicals and plays are a great source. You can use any source for your monologue or song but we require that you bring a copy of your sheet music for the pianist. (This must be piano/vocal score and not just a melody or chord score). There is a wealth of resources, as well as YouTube videos etc., available to assist you in selecting a song or monologue. Keep in mind that we are a Christian organization and as such we appreciate it if you do not perform questionable or offensive material. For children that don't know where to start they can look over our Songs & Monologues pages for some sample ideas. *A note on choosing a monologue or song. Do not perform any content from the show for which you are auditioning. Remember we are a Christian-run organization, so do not do questionable or offensive materials. If there is a particular character you want to be considered for, try finding a song & monologue for a character from another show that has a similar personality or vocal style.
CAN PARENTS WATCH AUDITIONS?We ask that parents not stay for auditions if at all possible. We respect each young actor that comes to our auditions. When your child comes for an audition we respect and see them as an actor regardless of age and we want them to see themselves that way. For individual auditions we ask that parents wait in the holding room. When your child is with you they are “your child”. In the audition room we want them to see themselves as an actor. If your child is not ready to step into the audition room without you, please consider the group auditions. For group auditions in the past we have allowed all parents to stay for group auditions but with the recent move to a new location we have very limited room for parents to stay. It can also inhibit your child's willingness to participate in activities. But if you feel your child cannot stay without you please contact us so that we can make arrangements for them to have the most successful audition possible. For Callbacks No parents are allowed in the studio except for drop off and pickup.
WE WERE NOT CAST IN THE SHOW. WHY?While we wish we could cast every child that walks through our doors it is just not possible. Most Jr. musicals call for a cast size of 25-30 young actors. While we can occasionally add a few extra stage and facility size limits the number we can cast effectively. The sheer numbers of auditionees will keep us from being able to cast everyone. If 100 children walk through our doors on audition weekend around 25% will be cast. We normally do not cast large numbers of children in a show to give every child one scene to participate in. We strive to give all the actors as much stage time as we can to tell our story. Sometimes students are just not ready for the stage so we encourage any of those not cast to return and audition again. Sometimes they want large roles that require singing, dance or challenging acting that we feel they are not ready for yet.
WHAT STEPS CAN WE TAKE TO IMPROVE OUR CHANCES OF BEING CAST?While some young actors seem to come out of the womb ready to perform there is never an actor that can't benefit from improving their skills. Our best recommendation for EVERY actor is to always be growing and honing your skills. TAKE CLASSES Everyone can benefit from Acting & Dance classes. Actors need to learn how to bring emotion to their character and training yourself and honing that skill is important. Take all forms of dance regardless of your gender. Each type of dance teaches a different discipline and builds core strength and stamina. FIND A VOCAL COACH! No matter how long you have been singing a vocal coach will help you learn to control your voice and get the most out of it that you can. If you're going to be in a musical being able to know how to sing is important. Spend time making your talents and skills the best they can be! Keep auditioning.
WE'VE BEEN CAST! NOW WHAT?You've been cast congratulations! We are excited to have you join us for a show! #1) Accept your role online and pay your show fee. For musicals that is normally around $75 and for straight plays it's $50. (We never turn away an actor for inability to pay a show fee and regularly look for donors to give toward student scholarships. Just indicate that on your audition application.) #2) When accepting your role online make sure that you check the box to add your email to the email list so you will begin receiving the "Cast News" for your show. #3) Mark you calendar for you first rehearsal and any "Show UNI" (University) dates that may be associated with your show. #4) Parents and actors will need to attend a cast meeting on the day of the first rehearsal. This is normally no longer than 1hr and if you are new we will need liability forms signed for each actor. #5) Do not commit any of the rehearsal dates from the audition packet to your calendar until after the parent meeting. You will be given the final schedule for all the rehearsals. Do not make any plans for these dates until you know you are not called. We will normally run an online schedule where we post who is called on particular rehearsal nights. #6) Buckle up and get ready to enjoy the ride!
WHEN ARE REHEARSALS? WHAT IS THE TIME COMMITMENT?Rehearsals normally run 2.5 to 3 hrs a night, three days a week. Sunday 2:00-5:00pm Tuesday 6:30-9:00pm Thursday 6:30-9:00pm Different roles will have different time commitments depending on the type of role they have been cast in. As we get the the two weeks before the performances rehearsal may start earlier and/or end later and once tech week begins rehearsals will be every day.
WHAT IS TECH WEEK?Tech week is the 7 or so days leading up to the performances. It is the time everything comes together. Actors are finally taking the stage with costumes, props, make-up & hair, microphones learning quick changes and the backstage rhythm. Our crew is testing and adjusting all the technical elements of a show like the sound, lighting, staging and special effects. Tech week is hard and are some of the most import rehearsals that we have. For this reason actors that have scheduling conflicts during our planned tech week are normally not cast.
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